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Supported frameworks

snapshot4s comes with out of the box integrations for:

  • Weaver via snapshot4s-weaver
  • MUnit via snapshot4s-munit
  • ScalaTest via snapshot4s-scalatest

All integrations support Scala.js.

If you use a different test framework, you can easily develop your own integration.


Add the snapshot4s-weaver dependency to your build.sbt.

import snapshot4s.BuildInfo.snapshot4sVersion

libraryDependencies += "com.siriusxm" %% "snapshot4s-weaver" % snapshot4sVersion % Test

For Scala.js, use %%% and emit a module.

import snapshot4s.BuildInfo.snapshot4sVersion

libraryDependencies += "com.siriusxm" %%% "snapshot4s-weaver" % snapshot4sVersion % Test
Test / scalaJSLinkerConfig ~= { _.withModuleKind(ModuleKind.CommonJSModule) }

Extend the SnapshotExpectations trait and import snapshot4s.generated.*.

import snapshot4s.weaver.SnapshotExpectations
import snapshot4s.generated.*

object MySuite extends weaver.SimpleIOSuite with SnapshotExpectations {
test("snapshot4s can fill in the blanks") {
val mySnapshotWorkflow = "snapshot4s"
assertInlineSnapshot(mySnapshotWorkflow, ???)
test("snapshot4s can update code") {
val mySnapshotCode = List(1, 2, 3)
assertInlineSnapshot(mySnapshotCode, Nil)
test("snapshot4s can work with files") {
val mySnapshotWorkflow = "snapshot4s"
assertFileSnapshot(mySnapshotWorkflow, "mySnapshotWorkflow")


Add the snapshot4s-munit dependency to your build.sbt.

import snapshot4s.BuildInfo.snapshot4sVersion

libraryDependencies += "com.siriusxm" %% "snapshot4s-munit" % snapshot4sVersion % Test

For Scala.js, use %%% and emit a module.

import snapshot4s.BuildInfo.snapshot4sVersion

libraryDependencies += "com.siriusxm" %%% "snapshot4s-munit" % snapshot4sVersion % Test
Test / scalaJSLinkerConfig ~= { _.withModuleKind(ModuleKind.CommonJSModule) }

Extend the SnapshotAssertions trait and import snapshot4s.generated.*.

import snapshot4s.munit.SnapshotAssertions
import snapshot4s.generated.*

object MySuite extends munit.FunSuite with SnapshotAssertions {
test("snapshot4s can fill in the blanks") {
val mySnapshotWorkflow = "snapshot4s"
assertInlineSnapshot(mySnapshotWorkflow, ???)
test("snapshot4s can update code") {
val mySnapshotCode = List(1, 2, 3)
assertInlineSnapshot(mySnapshotCode, Nil)
test("snapshot4s can work with files") {
val mySnapshotWorkflow = "snapshot4s"
assertFileSnapshot(mySnapshotWorkflow, "mySnapshotWorkflow")


Add the snapshot4s-scalatest dependency to your build.sbt.

import snapshot4s.BuildInfo.snapshot4sVersion

libraryDependencies += "com.siriusxm" %% "snapshot4s-scalatest" % snapshot4sVersion % Test

For Scala.js, use %%% and emit a module.

import snapshot4s.BuildInfo.snapshot4sVersion

libraryDependencies += "com.siriusxm" %%% "snapshot4s-scalatest" % snapshot4sVersion % Test
Test / scalaJSLinkerConfig ~= { _.withModuleKind(ModuleKind.CommonJSModule) }

Extend the SnapshotAssertions trait and import snapshot4s.generated.*.

import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import snapshot4s.scalatest.SnapshotAssertions
import snapshot4s.generated.*

class MySuite extends AnyFlatSpec with SnapshotAssertions {
"snapshot4s" should "fill in the blanks" in {
val mySnapshotWorkflow = "snapshot4s"
assertInlineSnapshot(mySnapshotWorkflow, ???)
it should "update code" in {
val mySnapshotCode = List(1, 2, 3)
assertInlineSnapshot(mySnapshotCode, Nil)
it should "work with files" in {
val mySnapshotWorkflow = "snapshot4s"
assertFileSnapshot(mySnapshotWorkflow, "mySnapshotWorkflow")