Quick start
Add the plugin to plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.siriusxm" % "sbt-snapshot4s" % "0.1.7")
Enable it in build.sbt
. See SBT setup for more layouts.
val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(Snapshot4sPlugin)
Add the integration library for your test framework. See supported frameworks for more.
import snapshot4s.BuildInfo.snapshot4sVersion
libraryDependencies += "com.siriusxm" %% "snapshot4s-munit" % snapshot4sVersion % Test
Write a test.
import snapshot4s.munit.SnapshotAssertions
import snapshot4s.generated.snapshotConfig
object MySuite extends munit.FunSuite with SnapshotAssertions {
test("snapshot4s can fill in the blanks") {
val mySnapshotWorkflow = "snapshot4s"
assertInlineSnapshot(mySnapshotWorkflow, ???)
test("snapshot4s can update code") {
val mySnapshotCode = List(1, 2, 3)
assertInlineSnapshot(mySnapshotCode, Nil)
test("snapshot4s can work with files") {
val mySnapshotWorkflow = "snapshot4s"
assertFileSnapshot(mySnapshotWorkflow, "mySnapshotWorkflow")
Run test
and watch your tests fail.
Run snapshot4sPromote
and be bedazzled. You should now see:
test("snapshot4s can update code") {
val mySnapshotCode = List(1, 2, 3)
assertInlineSnapshot(mySnapshotCode, List(1, 2, 3)) // <- spot the difference
as well as a new mySnapshotWorkflow
Run test
again and watch them pass.